Your Favourite Genuine Sheepskin Slippers

Love At First Touch

Experience the ultimate in sheepskin slippers. Made from the finest 1st-grade genuine sheepskins and premium materials giving you unparalleled comfort, warmth, durability, value and quality you can feel.

Made in South Africa by master craftspeople with over 100 years of combined expertise who strive to make each pair to exceptional standards.

  • For the
    whole family

  • Unisex
    UK sizes 1-14

  • 6 Styles of
    endless comfort

  • 15 Cheerful

"Invest in the comfort and durability of our products while enjoying all the wellness and medical benefits of genuine sheepskin.”
Hazel Hoole, Founder

Most Popular

So much more than a bit of fluff

Here’s the skinny, on what you’re buying:

  • Stink-free feet: thanks to wool’s unique chemical structure, odours are absorbed, locked then released during washing.

  • Sweat-free feet: wool fibres absorb large quantities of moisture vapour and move it away to evaporate into the air.

  • Warm, toasty feet: sheep wool has lots of natural kinks and bends which trap air to keep you nice and warm.

  • Cool-in-summer, warm-in-winter feet: thanks to wool fibre’s unique crimp and curl, air pockets are created that can auto thermo-regulate.

  • Allergy-free feet:  wool naturally absorbs and filters airborne volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which are unwanted toxins that cause irritations. 

  • Environmentally responsible feet: because sheepskin is 100% natural it will simply biodegrade, releasing nutrients back into our earth.


Try before you buy

Would you like to try on a pair of slippers before you purchase?

If you're in Johannesburg and would like to try on our finely crafted sheepskin slippers in River Club, Sandton before making a purchase, please get in touch with Hazel. She'll be happy to help you arrange a suitable date and time for your personalised fitting session.  Your comfort is our priority, and we're here to provide the best possible experience.

Book an appointment


Care and cleaning

Knowing which sheepskin products can be washed, not washed, brushed or spot cleaned can be a head-scratch! But, don't worry, we'll tell you exactly how and which products to use for your favourite pair of slippers and sheepskins.

Keep them looking like new